Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hip Hip...No Hooray Today

That crappy feeling when you wake up and realize one of your joints decided to hate you.

Welcome to my life today.

I woke up with some pain in my hip, which is one of the worst places my arthritis hits. It's certainly not a major flare, but it's definitely enough to put a little wobble in my step today. 

I think I'm most frustrated because yesterday, literally the extend of what I did was sit and work on a computer for the majority of the day. Maybe my body is telling me to get up and move!

I'm going to focus my energy on working hard and jamming to some pretty awesome music I have playing today.

So, if you're having a flare today...cheers to you. Here's to tossing your favorite remedy (for me, it's my bag of peas) on your joint and feeling better. 

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