Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Little Arthritis Laugh :)

Today, I have decided to tell a funny story about arthritis which includes a flare, XBox Kinect and a trip to the doctor.

I got my husband an XBox with the Kinect for Christmas one year and we had a blast trying out all of the new games. I ran track for WVU, so I tried to 'show off' when we were playing the Track & Field game and jumped a little too hard on the long jump, apparently. It hurt a little when I did it, but I figured I just landed wrong.

The next evening, my knee was REALLY swollen and hurting bad. It seemed worse than a traditional flare because it was much worse than it ever had been after I started my medication for having arthritis.

The really weird part was, it lasted for over two days! Usually my flares only last for one.  I was really concerned, so I actually had my friend who is a nurse come take a look. We were seriously concerned that I had torn something in my knee while playing XBox, which would have been super embarrassing.

The next day, the pain started to ease and completely went away. It turned out that the strain on my knee had caused the flare and caused it to be more severe than the usual pain. I still went to see my Rheumatologist who checked it out for me, but she confirmed that it was just from the strain of jumping.

Moral of the story - be careful when you play XBox Kinect, arthritis friends.

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