Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Exercise Mental Block

We all have times where we simply don't want to exercise. Whether it's from pain, fatigue or even just a little lazy spell, here are a few tips to help you mentally prepare for your next workout:

1. Think About the Benefits!
Always focus on benefits that come with working out. Whether it's losing weight or inches or simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle, write those goals down and always remember them when a workout just doesn't seem to be in the cards. Think about how good you will feel when you're finished and put on those tennis shoes!

2. Be Flexible!
Plan your workouts, but don't let a change in your schedule knock you off-track. Taking a day off can lead to taking more days off, so always try to make sure you fit in some sort of workout, even if it is a modified version of what you had originally planned to do that day. If you're in pain, change it up - use modified exercises OR work out a different area of your body that day.

3. Reward Yourself
Schedule a monthly reward like a massage or a cheat day on your diet when you complete your workout goals. It's a great way to work toward a goal!

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